
Instituto DARA


“Solidarity is the feeling that best
expresses respect for human dignity.”

Franz Kafka

Become a volunteer

Throughout these past 32 years of work, more than 1,600 volunteers contributed to strengthen Instituto Dara. There are only 3 steps to be part of this story!

How to become a volunteer

Choose your area, fill out the form and wait for our contact.

Volunteer meetings take place in person or virtually every 15 days.

Volunteering Areas


The Citizenship area works to promote access to justice and to guide the family about their rights and duties. The actions developed are aimed at social well-being and restoring citizenship.


The Education area's mission is to monitor regular school attendance and good performance with the children, in addition to encouraging the direct participation of parents in their children's education.


The Health Care area promotes medical, nutritional and psychological guidance for family members. Clarifications are made about diagnoses, scheduling exams and consultations, emotional support, referrals to partner units, among others.


The Income area works to train heads of household to generate income and seek new employment and entrepreneurship opportunities


Completely formed by volunteers who receive families individually and talk about the difficulties of the last month. They also assist in filling in indicators, monitoring goals and updating information.


The focus of the Housing area is on healthiness, and the objective is to ensure that the housing has minimum essential conditions of habitability, such as running water, sewage, lined walls and floors, safe electrical installation, adequate windows and roofs.


The areas of communication and fundraising are responsible for content management, dissemination, application in public calls for proposals, contact with sponsors, and the institutional development of Instituto Dara.


The administrative / financial area is responsible for the transparency and development of the employees of Instituto Dara. It produces accountability, reports, audits and all the financial management of the organization.


Contact us through our form or by email voluntariado@dara.org.br and find out more about volunteering at Instituto Dara. Our volunteering team will respond to your request and schedule an alignment conversation.

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